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Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Surat Al Hijr 6 -11

بِسْمِ ٱللَّـهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

They said, ‘O you, to whom the Reminder has been sent down, you are indeed crazy.(6)
Why do you not bring us the angels should you be truthful?!’ (7 ) 
We do not send down the angels except with due reason, and then they will not be granted any respite. (8) 
Indeed We have sent down the Reminder, and indeed We will preserve it. (9)
Certainly We sent [apostles] before you to former communities, (10) 

and there did not come to them any apostle but that they used to deride him. (11)



Bismillahhir Rahmannir Raheem

Above ayats are quite explicit in themselves – and what is obvious is: the basic mindset has not really changed. We may be living in the computer age: flying supersonic jets, manufacturing organs in factories and sky diving for thrills – but, the human beings have not come very far in actually ‘knowing themselves’.

Who are we? Why are we here? Where have we come from? Where are we going to? Is there a purpose to life?

We are not really troubled by any of these questions. And, even if they do occasionally appear on the screens of our mind, we ‘change page’ and divert ourselves – there is too much happening in our lives at present to be bothered – to be bothered about the great eventuality – that all of us must die and return, perhaps to where we came from.  And that is a great shame.

Prophets, over centuries have tried to guide and educate, to cajole and coax man to think - but the human race has always rebelled – been a non conformist, unfortunately, responding only to the ‘rule of the whip’. We more easily obey a tyrant – the gentle Warner has always been met with derision, disregard and disrespect.

It is important to acknowledge that the Prophets were here only to nudge us in the right direction. Time and time again, Allah (swt) says about the Prophets in the Quran that they are but ‘Warners’. They are here to educate and train us – if we allow them. It is not their responsibility to ‘exercise the whip’. They are to show the way and leave it up to man to ‘think’ and make the right choices

And, the mechanism for this is already implanted – all true knowledge is already embedded in our minds – we only have to access it by using our ability to ‘think’ – to open The Book of Truth and read. Man, to be fair, has been doing it – the clear proof being his evolution from being a cave dweller to a space traveller. However, somewhere along the line – progress in this world – which was really, only a means to an end, has become the end in itself. We have ‘forgotten’ that we are only travellers, journeying through this life on earth. There is a greater mission we are on. We have come from somewhere and we will be going forward to someplace else. 

Therefore, NOW, while we are alive, is the time to open up ‘The Book’ saved in the folder our mind, and allow the truth to reveal itself. It is time to ‘remember’. Get off the high horse of heedlessness, liberate from the shackles of self indulgence and use this time – the most precious wealth – to recognise that life in this world is an opportunity to get an ‘upgrade’ in the greater scheme of things.

Iltemase dua for the awakening of the Human Intellect

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