An accident of chance?
O sceptic do you not see the universe obey
The Almighty’s command every step of the way?
Every star, every planet, every moon on its path
Compliant and punctual, disciplined and prompt.
No time to linger not a moment to tarry,
Each on a mission a job they must carry.
Wide open spaces: no beginning no end,
Absolute darkness we can’t comprehend,
The immeasurable ocean of perpetual night,
No sun to steer your course: no ray of light.
Have you ever wondered how they find their way –
The stars and the planets – are they ever astray?
There are no collisions, no accidents in space
Not one moves off the track in this incessant race.
There is law, there is order, there is peace amongst all
There is compliance – no questions – absolute concord.
Yet man, the poor planner, the creator of chaos
Stands up to say boldly – I think there is no God!
Look! The moon, the sun and the earth are in line,
Congregating together – a perfect moment in time.
The eclipse – you say – is a phenomenon of nature -
Yet time and again they assemble ..... then scatter.
They journey through space on a course with no marking
And line up when called no slip-ups no stopping.
You say there’s no planner – we just happened to be,
Evolved from a cell, way, way back in history.
But where did that cell that you talk of come from?
Who gave it life – its shape and its form?
Who gave it the power to multiply and change,
To advance and develop into complex brains?
You agree planning’s needed for experiments and wars
Years of planning needed for the exploration of stars
You need a good planner for your town or your city
With no proper planning you’ll fail – that’s your ditty
Yet the universe (you say!) the animals and plants
Exist with no planning – are an accident of chance!
Afshan Ali
(written sometime in 2005)
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