Lift me out of the darkness of ignorance
Into light of awareness
So I can wipe out
All traces of arrogance from my heart
And inundate it with humility, inshallah.
He came to me as soon as I entered the class –
‘Miss I am sorry about what I did yesterday.
Though.............. I don’t know what I did wrong - ?????’
I felt sorry for him.
He had been rude. He had mocked my sincere advice -
Laughed in my face with arrogant daring.
I, a teacher. He, my student.
And now – this apology.
As I said: I felt sorry for him.
It isn’t really his fault –
Right and wrong; good and bad – threads of life
Are interwoven into a fabric with a new hue –
An altogether different shade
Unlike the original strands –
Not as bright as the colour of ‘good rightness’
Not as dull as the colour of ‘bad wrongness’
A baffling shade of deception -
Fair is foul and foul is fair! – Its true!
The voice of conscience
That dares to raise its head – is drowned;
Swamped by the baser voices
of selfishness, greed and raw desires.
Two teachers doling out advice –
Contrary advice.
Confusion. Stress. Distress.
Minds too tired to take a decision,
Trying to make sense out of contradictory statements.
A defeat. A victory.
For This poor child then, the answer is:
Give in. Just go with the flow –
That is easy: no brain strain.
Let the fake lights blind.
In this dazzling darkness – defeat garbs itself as victory.
Rights and wrongs don’t matter anymore.