This Eid is a reminder:
For us to question ourselves.
Do we trust Allah (swt) enough?
Do we have confidence in Him (swt -) enough?
Are we ready to accept His will – and be content enough?
Are we ready with a sajda-e-shukr
For simply living – ?
For walking His (swt) earth ?
For breathing His (swt) air ?
For the beating heart?
For the seeing eyes?
For the hearing ears?
For the thinking mind?
- For simply being Human?
Are we willing to snuff the clamouring complaints
That keep welling up our throats?
...... Because that is what Prophet Ibrahim (as) did
All those many centuries ago -
He had Absolute Trust in Allah (swt)
He had absolute Confidence in Allah (swt)
And, he was absolutely content with Allah’s (swt)Will –
-- Even if it meant allowing himself to be swallowed
by Namrood's flaming inferno
or slaughtering his beloved son.
All – for his infinitely more beloved Lord’s pleasure.
Eid Mubarak!